New Zealand Job Application Process 2021
Job websites & recruitment companies Most migrants need a job offer to get a work visa. So finding a job will probably be your first task to do before you move to New Zealand. Looking for regional info? Common ways to find a job in New Zealand are to use job websites or to go through a recruitment company. You can also contact employers directly. Finding a job from overseas Most New Zealand employers are open to hiring people from overseas if they are not able to find people in New Zealand to fill jobs. There are several websites designed to connect offshore workers with New Zealand employers. Employers listing jobs on these websites may have more experience in hiring migrants. Work here and Working in New Zealand are good sites to look at. General job websites The most popular websites for job seekers in New Zealand are Trade Me and Seek. These sites list a lot of vacancies. You can find other general job vacancy websites on the website. Trade Me Jobs Seek Job